Commit c5aabb46 authored by Ghitha Dinan's avatar Ghitha Dinan

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parent e88e732d
Pipeline #407 canceled with stages
package id.go.kemenag.madrasah.pmrms.notif.constant package id.go.kemenag.madrasah.pmrms.notif.constant
const val EXPIRATION_TIME: Long = 864000000 // 10 days (1 hour = 3600000) const val EXPIRATION_TIME: Long = 864000000 // 10 days (1 hour = 3600000)
const val SECRET = "INOVASI-DAERAH" const val SECRET = "PMRMS-2022"
const val TOKEN_PREFIX = "Bearer " const val TOKEN_PREFIX = "Bearer "
const val HEADER_STRING = "Authorization" const val HEADER_STRING = "Authorization"
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